NCPC Boss Celebrates 3 Years In Office, Promises To Improve Staff Welfare.

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    The National Christian Pilgrim Commission (NCPC) marked a significant milestone as its Chairman, Rev. Yakubu Pam, celebrated three years in office.

    The commemorative event, held at the commission’s office in Abuja, was attended by prominent individuals and stakeholders from various parts of the country.

    During the ceremony, Rev. Yakubu Pam expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve in the position for the past three years. He highlighted the achievements and milestones the commission has reached under his leadership and outlined his plans for the remaining two years of his tenure.

    One of the key areas of focus mentioned by Rev. Pam was the welfare of the NCPC staff. He acknowledged the challenges faced by the commission’s employees, particularly in relation to their welfare package.

    As an independent entity, the commission had not been able to provide the same level of benefits as those enjoyed by civil servants in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, Rev. Pam assured the staff that he would work towards integrating them into the federal government civil service, ensuring their needs are adequately accounted for.

    “This commission staff was previously attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and now the package for Foreign Affairs staff is not what this staff has now, on the grounds that the commission has been going on pilgrimage and receiving welfare support, but since the year 2020, the Federal Government has stopped supporting pilgrimage activities, so therefore the staff welfare needs to be reviewed upwards”. He said.

    Additionally, Rev. Pam emphasized the importance of a savings scheme for the commission. As the government gradually withdraws its financial support, it has become essential for the commission to sensitize Christians about the necessity of joining the saving scheme to facilitate their participation in pilgrimage activities. By promoting responsible financial planning, the NCPC aims to empower individuals to fund their own pilgrimages effectively.

    Another significant topic touched upon by the NCPC boss was the ongoing construction of the commission’s new headquarters. Rev. Pam revealed that the project is currently 40% complete and expressed his hope that it would be finalized and dedicated later this year. The new headquarters will facilitate seamless planning and execution of pilgrimage activities, ensuring the efficient operation of the organization.

    The event attracted a multitude of goodwill messages from individuals across the country, with many commending Rev. Yakubu Pam for his dedication and commitment to the NCPC. The attendees praised the achievements made under his leadership and expressed their confidence in his ability to further improve the commission’s operations.

    As the NCPC enters a new phase under Rev. Yakubu Pam’s leadership, it is expected that the promised initiatives, such as enhancing staff welfare, sensitizing the public about the Commission’s savings scheme, and completing the new headquarters, will contribute to the continued growth and effectiveness of the commission in facilitating Christian pilgrimages.